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Monday, June 26, 2017

New Video Upload: Weight Watchers All Over Grocery Haul!

Hello, Everyone! I’m back again with a new video showcasing a recent grocery haul from all over the place! As you know, there’s not one store in my area that has everything I need, so I end up going everywhere.

Snapshot_137See the video on YouTube

In this video, I show you my latest finds from H.E.B., Walmart, Costco, Sprouts, Target, and everything in-between.

In the video, I talk about two of my finds, my Oster waffle maker and my Taylor Scale. Here’s some more info on them. (Amazon links are affiliate links)

Oster Flip Waffle Maker, Model #CKSTWFBF22-TECO

You can find this model at Target or on Amazon. A quick tip I wanted to share is that if you ever find a product with a lesser price on Amazon, Target will usually price match – unless it’s $10 or more. I recently tried to get a price match on printer ink which was about $14 less on Amazon, and my Target store said they couldn’t bring the price up on their store devices so they couldn’t see the price – even though I brought up the price on my cell phone. Go figure. So, I just ordered the item on Amazon instead.

Target link:

Amazon link:

Taylor Kitchen Scale

I bought my Taylor scale at Costco, but lately I haven’t seen it at the store. Here is the Amazon link for the scale.

Amazon link:



In the video, I also mention a waffle recipe. I follow Mudhustler on Weight Watchers Connect and on Facebook. He’s got the most amazing dessert recipes using protein powders. One of my favorites is his Big Ass Waffle (B.A.W.) recipe. Check it out on his Facebook page

:  Click on the SEE MORE prompt to see his entire recipe.

So that’s it y’all. What grocery find have you recently found on your trip to the store? Share it with me!



  1. Bullsandy@yahoo.comJune 26, 2017 at 4:35 PM

    You are so knowledgeable, love all your videos

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad you're liking them and finding them useful. Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)
